Ok, so I'm usually not one to go blah-blah-blahing about stuff, but this is a certain "stuff" that I must yee-haw about.
I recently purchased a deeply discounted pair of Ariat Legend Cow(girl) Boots from RueLaLa.com. Now, I have never owned a pair of cowboy boots. I have always admired them from a distance on others, but I never got around to owning a pair. My man-friend, who is a Southerner, sports a rather fabulous pair that used to belong to his father, and I must admit that these old boots (and he) have inspired me.
So I was browsing RueLaLa... and usually nothing comes up that I'm interested in... and then they had this fancy "FINAL SALE BLOWOUT" thing going on. "Oh crap," I said to myself. "I have to look." I'm glad I did. It took a few shots to get them. That is, I originally put a brown-ish pair in my "cart" but they sold out before I was able to pay. So I tried a half-size up. I was ready to pay, and then they sold out too. It wasn't looking good. But these black ones seemed oh-so-purty... so I added them to my cart. Again, my size ran out. "Shit." So again I ordered a half-size up, paid right away, and BAM, they were mine.
They are so incredibly fun to walk in. Oh my god. They are a little bit too big, but I guess that gives me an opportunity to retrieve my barely-used thick socks (see previous entry) that I purchased a few years ago.
The boots arrived in the mail just a couple of days ago and I have had two full days of fun in these puppies. Unfortunately I can't wear them convincingly with my colorful yoga pants, but they do work with jeans and less-festive yoga pants (and skirts, of course, but I have yet to try this). This is all good.
So, it seems as though my feet think that it's Halloween. Every day. It's awesome.
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